
A final project is required of all participants taking the course for graduate credit or participation hours. The final project is composed of two parts:

Part A

Create a primary source portfolio or set to be used to deepen classroom teaching about 17th century New England, using at least 6 different sources. At least one map and one document presented in the Workshop must be used.

Primary source portfolio must include:

✓ A detailed list of sources and links to access them digitally.

✓ An introduction of a page or less, in which participants outline how this set fits into the larger picture of teaching on 17th-century New England. What are the “big ideas” and essential questions you are addressing with these primary sources as part of your teaching of 17th-century New England, especially conflict between Colonists and Native Americans and concepts of geography and identity. Models of primary source sets can be found at the Library of Congress website:

Part B

Participants are asked to write one lesson for a history, social science, or related unit of study that uses one or more of the primary resources in their portfolio. This can be a lesson(s) for a new curricular area that participants have not yet taught before, or it can be a unit that participants would like to re­work as a result of new knowledge gained from this workshop. Participants may use the provided lesson plan template or their own district or school template. Participants are asked to write a lesson plan that another teacher not connected with this workshop could use.

Timeline for Completion of Projects

Participants should identify sources and have a rough lesson outline by the end of the morning discussion on Friday of the workshop. Final projects are due two weeks after the last day of the workshop. Projects will be shared virtually for all participants on the main workshop website—Mapping a New World—as well as through